Time range is used in daily and weekly calendar elements. In addition, it defines the range of hours for the calendar element. By default, it is set to 6 AM to 9 PM.
Users can change the time range in AJournal "Settings."
When you save the setting, it might ask you whether you want to save it for today or the date you are currently on (only ask when it is not today). After saving the setting, it is only valid for a date later than that date. So if you want to apply the setting to past, please change the date in "Day" or "Week" mode and then open the "Settings" form.
The current version does not use the time range for the monthly calendar element.
If a user wants to use a particular time range for some templates, please create a user template with a daily or weekly calendar element and configure that with a customized time range. For example, it is helpful if users want to use different time ranges for weekdays and weekends.
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