Users can tap the "Action" button to interact with AJournal pages in many ways.
After enabling the "Action",
The user can create new calendar items or edit existing ones in the daily/weekly/monthly calendar element.
On daily and weekly pages, the user can create new reminder items or edit existing ones in the task element.
Date navigation
The user can navigate to the daily page by tapping the date on the header of the weekly calendar, as,
The user can navigate to the weekly and daily pages by tapping the week or date on the monthly calendar as
The user can navigate to week and date in the compact monthly element as
Page navigation
The user can navigate to a web page or another page after adding the link in the text box.
The user can start/stop the timer in the timer element.
We are continuously adding more interactions in AJournal. If you have suggestions or requests, please do not hesitate to email
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