Stopping one task with Siri while tracking simultaneous tasks



  • Official comment


    Thanks for using ATracker!

    Technically we can do it. But we have not decided whether to implement it now or wait for Apple to improve the Siri support.

    In current Siri iOS implementation, Apple does not allow "wild" match, it means for each task to start and stop it, user need to create a specific Siri shortcut for it. So if user have 30 tasks, to allow user to start / stop them individually, we need to allow user to create 60 Siri shortcut. Although user might not want to create that many, it will show in the Siri recommendation anyway. In most case, user will not have simultaneous task enabled, will get confused on why ATracker need to have 30 different stop Siri shortcut recommendations. 

    We hope Apple can allow third party app to have some kind of voice matching, so user only need to create one start and one stop command in the future ATracker release. After that, we will allow user to stop each task by voice.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Best Regards,

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    Katie Berryhill

    Thanks for the quick reply (and on a weekend, no less)! Totally understandable reasoning. 

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