Delete a Categgory



  • Official comment

    Thanks for using ATracker!


    It seems we missed your post.


    Please check this guide on how to manage categories.

    For the sorting, in the category admin list, just tap the sort button on the top and then drag the category as the order you wish, same as sorting the tasks.


    For the Web sync, we are doing the beta test for web sync on Andorid now. It does sync data across all platforms. But currently user can only start a trial or subscribe from iOS app. We will add subscription from web soon.


    Again, sorry for the late reply and have a nice day!

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    David H

    Thank you, but you did not answer my question. I asked if it is possible to DELETE a category? The link you posted does not provide any information about deleting categories. All it says is "You could also edit or remove existing categories", but then doesn't even give instructions for doing that.

    Thank You


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    Sorry! Here is the steps.



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    David H

    Thank you!

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