How do I use "upgraded" app on iphone after first upgrading on laptop?



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    Thanks for using ATracker!

    Is your laptop a Mac? If so, you do not need to pay for the upgrade. You just redownload the ATracker or ATracker PRO app (same app as on your Mac) on your iPhone.

    Otherwise, you will need to pay the one-time fee to upgrade ATracker to the "Pro" tier.

    You will need to have "Web sync" enabled in ATracker on both sides. It is a subscription-based service, and you can subscribe in the ATracker app on your iPhone under Settings->Upgrade to Premium. 

    I hope this answers your question. If not, please email, and we will try our best to help you!

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    Paul Tyrrell

    Hi there. I have the same problem but in reverse. I upgraded to Premium on my iPad first, but cannot seem to log in on my Macbook having installed the app there. Do I need to pay separately to upgrade the app on my laptop before I can log in as a Premium user?

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    Paul Tyrrell

    Update: I figured it out. Just go through the steps you would take to buy the upgrade and the app will tell you that you've already made the purchase and perform the upgrade free of charge.

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