setting time period



  • Official comment

    You might try to add tag "Morning" to all "Morning" tasks and then use the tag filter on the today tab for it.

    As one task can have multiple tags, if the task can be done in the morning and afternoon, you can assign both "morning" and "afternoon" to it.

    For the time block, we implemented it for daily usage some years ago. But it seems it is not a commonly used feature. We will investigate on expanding the usage further in future ATracker releases.

    We will investigate the reporting feature, currently, user can do it with bookmark, but I understand it still need some more taps for it.




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    thank you so much for such a brief answer!

    using additional 'morning' tag would pretty much satisfy my need and i can use 'report->bar chart->daily->'morning' tag-<cooc' to see how often i woke up before 6 :) and to simplify that process, i really look forward to seeing new reporting/time block features soon in the app :)

    thank you!

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